Rajsamand Mahila Manch (RMM)
Rajsamand is one of the highest tribal populated districts (Approx 80%tribal population) consisting of SC/ST/OBC in Rajasthan.
The overall literacy rate in Rajsamand district is 63.1 percent which is lower than the State Average (66.1 percent) and in which Male literacy rate is 79.52 and Female literacy rate is 48.44(2011 census), also it ranks 18th amongst the other districts of the state.
In Rajsamand, being tribal and due to high rate of illiteracy amongst women folks, the status of women is pathetic. The women in general are exploited, oppressed and marginalized. The majority of population is poor with lack of education & healthcare, high rates of child marriage (3rd highest amongst district), higher rates of violence against women in the family and in community e.g. Dayan Pratha based on superstitions and social evil customs etc. The education status of girls is also not satisfactory though continuously improving. In many cases they are occupied with goat grazing and other household chores.
The women is hardly a second grade citizen, mostly busy with work only, not consulted most of the times in family matters leave apart their consultation and participation in village developmental activities. They are not aware about their rights, and seldom think about assertion of rights. They are meek and needs empowerment. Women are dependent as they are economically vulnerable in absence of any livelihood activities which leads to oppression.
The situation in 1998 was much worse than described above, when the Rajsamand Mahila Manch came into existence. There was a need for a platform where women can approach without fear and share their issues / problems.
Rajsamand Mahila Manch (RMM) popularly also known as MAHILA MANCH or Rajsamand Women’s Forum came into existence in Rajsamand district on 14th May, 1998. RMM being a people organization is an independent SANGHTHAN (federation) of poor, harassed, deprived, oppressed and destitute women which was initially started from one block of Rajsamand district with the support of Astha Sansthan. Prior to this, no any supportive civil society or organisation was working for the upliftment of the women in this region. RMM provides opportunity for empowerment of women suffering from existing social and dogmatic traditions in the society. The strategy of RMM has been women centered i.e. strengthening of women by collectivization as well as building women’s institutions at the village level to take up village level development issues over the last two decades. It has supported diverse groups of women- irrespective of caste, creed and religion in their struggles against community violence, domestic violence and builds trust among single women dealing with prejudice and exclusion in their daily lives. This involves enabling women especially those from socially and economical marginalized group to address and deal with problems they face of isolation, lack of self confidence and oppressive social customs. Rajsamand Jan Vikas Sansthan (RJVS) was created to extend the RMM work profile and organize funding for RMM activities.
Today RMM boasts of more than 8000 member women who got benefitted and became empowered. They have learned a new way of life, started asserting for their rights and many are involved in livelihood activities. They truly stand for a society as per our vision.
During last 20 years RMM has been handholding the rural women on the issues of domestic violence, Right based work like Food security, MNAREGA, RTI, Public Hearings for enhancing access to government welfare schemes, Prevention of child marriage and Supporting& motivating rural girls to continue education.