Our Partners
In order to accomplish our vision of the society, where it provides for equal opportunity, justice, equality and respect for all especially women and girls, RJVS works in close cooperation with government institutions, civil society, media, academic institutions, Corporate, business houses and other NGOs, as well as with its National and International Partners. Our relationship with them is as a partner having common and shared thrust areas or providing support funding for implementation of projects in our thrust areas.
The contribution and support of all our partners since we started walking has been valuable and enabled us to serve the causes we stand for. We are indeed grateful to all our partners for their support, whether it is conceptual or shared or financial, enabling us to be of service to the community in our thrust areas.
We further look forward to joining hands with more institutions having an interest in our thrust areas so that changes can be accelerated and become more widespread.
We ensure that transparency is maintained in our receipts and expenses and the fund received are used for the right purposes. All reporting requirements are complied as per schedule.
Our Partners