Message from the Director
World over women and girls are struggling since long towards assertion of their rights and so in India. Rural women community in India, socially and economically, is in a pathetic condition. Rural societies are plagued with several harmful practices such as Child marriages, il-literacy, violence against women etc. All these are responsible for downgrading the social and economical status of women and girls to a second grade citizen. Lack of awareness about Government welfare schemes does not allow the women and girls of the eligible community to take full benefits of such schemes.
In addition, even today, women and girl community from SC/ST / OBC or “Dalits” are deprived, oppressed, disadvantaged and discriminated based on their cast and creed. Lack of livelihood opportunities combined with above factors resists economic empowerment without which social empowerment is not feasible. This feeds to the cycle of perpetual poverty.
“Investing in women means investing in the people who invest in everyone else”-Melinda Gates
Government is aware and sensitive to these issues and has been regularly announcing several schemes but their benefits do not reach grass root levels due to poor implementation. It is for this reason that NGOs and CSOs have to come forward, intervene and bridge the gaps at grass root levels to create awareness, push implementation as well as create awareness and educate community on rights based issues.
We, at Rajsamand Jan Vikas Sansthan (RJVS) and Rajsamand Mahila Manch (RMM) as an NGO and ‘Sangathan” respectively, understand and appreciate these issues. Our team of social leaders and workers are relentlessly working in close association with community and government to drive the changes.
It all started in 1998 when with a resolve to improve social, economical and educational status of poor, oppressed, disadvantaged and deprived rural women community we created a platform for capturing women’s voices under the banner of “Rajsamand Mahila Manch” (RMM) in one block of district Rajsamand. Today it stands tall, strong, unique and one of its kind “ Women only Sangathan” with more than 8500 women members in the district and far beyond, whose issues are being and have been addressed and resolved collectively. This process has evolved several women leaders many of those are now working to strengthen the RMM.
In 2003 we registered Rajsamand Jan Vikas Sansthan (RJVS), an NGO through which capacity building including creating social and legal awareness, addressing rights based issues, eradicating harmful practices and promoting participation by women and adolescent girl community in society development etc are being implemented.
“Naari Adaalath” or “ All women’s court” conducted by our volunteer leaders to counsel families and women victims of violence, providing justice is very popular and successful.
Of course, all these activities are possible only because of financial and other supports from various agencies and many individuals for which we are indeed indebted to them. We also welcome all those who wish to partner in our activities by either providing volunteer services or financial contribution through our web site.
Let us hope that all of us will be able to make a society especially for women and girls that ensure equal opportunity, justice, equality and respect for all.
Shakuntala Pamecha
Founder Director